祭坛 03-10
遥远的内部 08-09
母亲 09-29
花火声影 11-09
Série noire 05-03
摇曳的影子 06-21
角斗士2 01-08
忠犬八公 10-12
女囚风暴1995 10-12
老师,别哭 10-24
A small twinkling dot slowly glides across the black screen. It is followed by another, and then a third. We seem at first to be watching an abstract piece of video art, but there is **** to the Japanese film 13 than meets the eye. Filmmaker Shinya Isobe left his camera in exactly the same spot for five years to shoot a picture of the sunset every thirteen seconds. In a series ...
发布于2020年。由Shinya Isobe执导,并于2020-11(IDFA)公映的电影。
两只青蛙跳下锅 2024-09-04
- 如同一部献给孩童的电影,孩子们看着移动的光点会说:看,那是宇宙飞船。但孩子会长大,宇宙飞船会降落在另一颗星球,会听见齐豫唱“不要问我从那里来 我的故乡在远方”。这是时间的存在方式呐!
ξ 2023-01-27