
血之味 (1967)

  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: Bill Rogers / Elizabeth Wilkinson / William Kerwin
  • 上映时间: 1967-08-09
  • 更新时间: 02-01 11:36





毒美人 卡罗尔·贝克、让-路易·特兰蒂尼昂 5.6
毁灭者 Matt Mitler、Ruth Martinez 5.4
血浴 02-16




血之味原名:A Taste of Blood,

Mild-mannered Miami businessman, John Stone, receives a parcel from England containing two old bottles of Slivovitz brandy and upon drinking them both, becomes a vampire. Stone uses his newfound vampire powers to keep his wife, Helena, in a trance as he travels to England to kill the desdenents of Van Helsing whom murdered Count Dracula while Hesling's distant relative, Howard ...

发布于1967年。由Herschell Gordon Lewis执导,并且由编剧Donald Stanford携幕后团队创作。集众多位Bill Rogers、Elizabeth Wilkinson、William Kerwin等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1967-08-09公映的电影。

UlyssesJo 2023-07-29

异常无聊的现代吸血鬼 与惊悚**无关的流水账**故事 接近两小时的片长最可怕 其他浮于表面老一套 血量特别少 最后还能几个人杵在那里墨迹… 可惜了男主形象(发际线除外) 偶尔幻视李爷 但是妆不如不化 脸上面粉没涂匀 化完表现更像僵尸 总之就是蛮糟糕的hglewis作品体验