布尔戈斯 02-02
蛇舞的开场 05-24
角斗士2 01-08
忠犬八公 10-12
女囚风暴1995 10-12
老师,别哭 10-24
巴塞罗那-公园黄昏原名:Barcelone - Parc au crépuscule,
Segundo de Chomon documents a park in Barcelona, filming its extensive area, filled with trees and some constructions around. The innovation here is that instead of obtaining immobile images as usual in many films of the period, the director makes the camera move through the location, apparently shot while he was on a boat. Written by Rodrigo Amaro
发布于1904年。由Segundo de Chomón执导,并于1904公映的电影。
丁一 2021-02-04
鱼 2020-04-01
mecca 2017-03-07
一个抖如乘轿的设轨(?)侧面跟拍长镜。昏蓝色调。复习运动镜头史:Later, in 1903 tracking shots (aka dolly or trucking shots) would be used in narrative films. These shots require the camera to sit on a dolly or moving platform, secured on wheels and/or tracks, that when rolled...
paracelsus 2013-03-21
actuality. tracking shot. blue tint for the twilight scene.
Mannialanck 2011-01-01