加里·温格兰:所有事物都可拍摄 07-01
角斗士2 01-08
忠犬八公 10-12
女囚风暴1995 10-12
老师,别哭 10-24
不可能的武器原名:An Unlikely Weapon,
1/500th of a second to get the shot… a lifetime to forget it. Eddie Adams photographed 13 wars, 6 American Presidents, and virtually every cultural and historical figure of the last 50 years. History would be changed through his lens. But the photo that made Eddie famous would haunt him for his entire life.
发布于2009年。由Susan Morgan Cooper执导,并于2009-04-10公映的电影。
咖啡也是豆浆 2018-10-21
封面是越战最著名的几张反战图之一了 被枪杀的那个越共也是**如麻的主
刘大喜 2015-03-10
Eddie Adams/a picture means nothing/4Q 想打9星
Elric 2011-05-04
Social responsibility of the Artists