角斗士2 01-08
忠犬八公 10-12
女囚风暴1995 10-12
老师,别哭 10-24
In the homogenous world of Liberty High School, Justin Meyers has a dark secret: he's straight. In this parallel universe where *** is the norm, Homecoming is only day's away. Bobby, the most popular guy in school, wants Justin to be his date. But will Joanne, a quiet beauty from Biology class, out Justin's true feelings before the dance?
发布于2004年。由Tyrrell Shaffner执导,并且由编剧Zachary De Gregorio携幕后团队创作。集众多位Ben Hogestyn、Emily Brooke Hands、Kay Stratton等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2004-05-22(美国)公映的电影。
Panda的影音 2021-05-31
不同 Different (2004):https://***.bilibili****/video/BV13x411N7YR —— 在***的世界里上演异性**之恋。
Eden's Curve 2015-12-07
一個頭 2014-02-08
原来是有一部早于《love is all you need?》这样的片子的。
风舞狂澜 2012-11-18
男主还算CUTE,只有设身处地,才能明白这当中的压力与痛苦~ 话说,但是这个假设很难成立,如果一个世界只能同性相交,要如何繁衍后代?
Ragdoll™ 2011-08-11
interesting twist ****://***.***********/watch?v=HiOKbkHe-9Y&ob=av1n
再见皮卡™ 2011-08-10
根本不可能嘛 反过来感觉怪怪的 最后还是屈*了
iokanaan 2011-08-10
韦恩斯坦_李 2010-12-11
雅 罗 米 尔 。 2010-03-21
finally there is a world where no one is straight.