再见:消失的非洲 12-01
禁忌死亡七成 08-13
America Exposed 05-05
Paramedics II 02-28
Days of Fury 07-19
中东之殇 11-21
危险警告 12-27
角斗士2 01-08
忠犬八公 10-12
女囚风暴1995 10-12
老师,别哭 10-24
赤裸奇迹原名:Mondo magic,又名Magia nuda、Shocking Cannibals、Naked Magic
This film is about tribes in Africa and South America who turn toward magic as a means of survival and way of life. The Mundari tribe in Africa herd cattle but do not slaughter them for meat. They make use of the cattle urine as an insect repellent and shower underneath their cows. They also use the dung as a body covering to further thwart insects and pest. The cattle are so p...
清水海斗 2013-12-19