有些集感觉是拿以前素材剪辑拼凑的,没有前三季的流畅感,不知道是不是拍摄和制作受了疫情的影响。"I'm not gonna learn from nice."
cocoon 2020-10-12
You can see the transformation in this season, as it digs into the philosophical aspect of cooking and food. Instead of water in your mouth, it tries to fill you with genuine admiration for those chefs who put a lot of thoughts into something as ****** as mixing the ingredients. Nothing is easy as it seems. RESPECT.
Joaquín C. 2023-10-30
第二集真的大赞。一个认真一个专业,两个同时可爱幽默,bromance in the kitchen 就是这么 real! 第三集这位女性主厨,情绪太不外露了,节目效果不好,以至于都让人觉得她做的东西没那么好吃。
我被淘汰 2022-08-07
不知道怎么说 没什么看头却很有意思 相当符合我心里对cook show的定义 很适合无聊时候播放来当作背景音
熊熊很失控 2022-04-03
白男人煮饭真的是**随意 什么都扔一堆自己拿手吃 什么都能吃出快餐食物的东西 但也是最直接表达食物的快乐
小卷毛章鱼 2021-07-15
limo 2021-05-09
有些集感觉是拿以前素材剪辑拼凑的,没有前三季的流畅感,不知道是不是拍摄和制作受了疫情的影响。"I'm not gonna learn from nice."
cocoon 2020-10-12
You can see the transformation in this season, as it digs into the philosophical aspect of cooking and food. Instead of water in your mouth, it tries to fill you with genuine admiration for those chefs who put a lot of thoughts into something as ****** as mixing the ingredients. Nothing is easy as it seems. RESPECT.
*** 2020-10-06
流转的往事 2020-09-29
***的christina tosi在chef‘s *****就看到过,做这么甜的食物居然还可以这么瘦。。grilled cheese很诱人
Matt 2020-09-27
隔着屏幕看到两人对食物的热情 足以让我打五星
一只高高 2020-09-26
看这个我整个人都松弛下来,费儒和崔师傅那个不紧不慢的劲儿让观众也好放松。 特别喜欢只有他俩的时候(例如第二集),一起做做饭、聊聊电影,好舒*。