马里纳莱达 12-03
下层社会 11-25
双塔 02-01
最后的城市 02-07
滑雪 03-16
高呼革命 10-22
一百万亿 04-25
角斗士2 01-08
忠犬八公 10-12
女囚风暴1995 10-12
老师,别哭 10-24
Kindertotenlieder constructs the chronology of the 2005 riots, starting with the death of Zyed Benna and Bouna Traoré, who were chased by the police, through to the curfew imposed by Sarkozy as Minister of the Interior. The film has borrowed its title from a group of poems written by Friedrich Rückert in 1834 following the death of his two children and later put into song by Gu...
熊仔俠 2022-10-26
Leave no trace 2021-10-01
让我想起了肯·雅各布斯的《Perfect Film》,有趣的是可以同时看到官方话语如何被建构,和对素材的重组又如何去重塑话语,两股力量互相渗透的过程,我基本没什么抵抗力。
╲│┼│╱ 2021-03-15
折叠兔 2021-03-14
TWY 2021-03-14
@ cinémadureel 即便仅仅是对电视新闻素材的再利用,韦尼耶仍然描绘了一个非常作者化的反乌托邦世界,延续了他作品强科幻感的现实主义。