连锁 10-01
自杀手册 2 10-01
9+1 10-11
奇异现象 10-17
怪谈贰:职场怪谈 11-05
角斗士2 01-08
忠犬八公 10-12
女囚风暴1995 10-12
老师,别哭 10-24
稻川淳二恐怖故事集:地狱原名:稲川淳二の戦慄のホラー,又名J-Horror Anthology: Underworld
CHAIN MAIL Sayaka's friends get their kicks sending out hoax emails in the name of one of their classmates who committed *******. Though Sakaya feels quilty about not standing up to the hoax, things start to go terribly awry when her classmates begin dying, one by one, under mysterious circumstances. It won't be long before Sayaka herself receives a terrifying electronic messag...
发布于2005年。由富冈忠文、Hirakata Hiroaki执导,集众多位真锅薰、矢泽心、Matsumoto Marika、Sugisaki Hiroya等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2005公映的电影。
******** 2022-05-03
萨乌台 2017-11-23
枫羽凡 2015-08-27