
抵达 (1980)

  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 上映时间: 1980
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七首雄狮 拉达·拉西莫夫、朱利奥·布洛吉 8.4
白桦树 Manca Kosir、韦利米尔·巴塔·日沃伊诺维奇 7.8
Kelek 11-25





Mani Kaul presents a searing study in Arrival. To the **** come men, women, fruits, flowers, vegetables, goats and sheep – all ready for consumption. It is the process of consumption/exploitation that forms the core of the film. In a collage of images held together by an engaging soundtrack we are shown the brutality and dehumanisation of **** life. Perhaps the best part of the...

发布于1980年。由Mani Kaul执导,并于1980公映的电影。

冰与火之歌 2011-11-30
