自由之路 02-20
阿根廷探戈 11-28
电影社会主义 10-15
爱情合众国 12-04
水瓶座 06-27
梦幻马戏团 10-18
角斗士2 01-08
忠犬八公 10-12
女囚风暴1995 10-12
老师,别哭 10-24
东欧风情画原名:Lost and Found,又名失而复得
Lost and Found is a film ******* for which six young filmmakers from Central and Eastern Europe have each developed a short film on the theme of generation. Together, these six short films make a whole cinema evening. Unique thereby is the selection of young directors, who are currently among the most talented in the Central and Eastern European region. Also special is that fiv...
shiriwusu 2018-12-27
胤祥 2017-11-14
Orpheus 2010-04-05