청계천 메들리在线观看和下载

청계천 메들리 (2010)

  • 别名:Cheonggyecheon Medley: A Dream of Iron
  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 上映时间: 2010
  • 更新时间:
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《청계천 메들리》在线观看和下载


청계천 메들리又名Cheonggyecheon Medley: A Dream of Iron

The narrator writes a letter to the ***** of his grandfather wondering if his recurring childhood nightmare of rusted metallic image is related to the family history. After running a scrap metal factory in Tokyo during World War II, his grandfather ended up in Cheonggyecheon of Seoul where rundown small scale metal workshops still exist amidst the gentrifying ****. Drawing clue...
