马尼拉:在霓虹灯的魔爪下 07-23
逃离“自由”电影院 12-01
非念 11-10
五月爱 11-24
蒸发 11-24
光州之战 11-24
悖论循环 11-24
角斗士2 01-08
忠犬八公 10-12
女囚风暴1995 10-12
老师,别哭 10-24
复兴之歌原名:부활의 노래,又名复活之歌、Song of Rebirth
Very few films, even today, deal with the Kwangju Masacre of 1980 where the military, acting under presidential orders, opened fire on the student demonstrations who were protesting at the coup of the rightfully elected president by General Chung. Thousands were killed and hundreds were arrested (including the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, President Kim Dae-jung). This is a ...
human 2023-06-16