远山远处 10-03
角斗士2 01-08
忠犬八公 10-12
女囚风暴1995 10-12
老师,别哭 10-24
国家地理:新生儿身体密码原名:National.Geographic.Science.of.Babies,又名NGC 宝宝的科学
As new parents can attest, children develop so much in the first year of their life it's hard to keep up. From the moment they draw their initial breath - itself an incredibly complicated biological feat - to their first steps, it's a year of remarkable development. In The Science of Babies, Nat Geo explores the amazing biomechanical benchmarks achieved in the first 12 months o...
芋羊羊 2022-09-22
发心课上看的 还不错 学到了新知识 但不多
十二月 2019-09-27
老师上课放的纪录片 感觉一个婴儿长大真不容易啊
迷失自己 2016-01-25
X杰 2013-08-25
I'M NOT DD 2013-02-15
自然醒 2013-01-03