屋顶上 05-08
角斗士2 01-08
忠犬八公 10-12
女囚风暴1995 10-12
老师,别哭 10-24
惊马原名:Le Cheval emballé,又名偷吃燕麦的马
A laundry man parks his horse-drawn cart to make a delivery. While he is inside, his horse sees a bag of oats and starts to eat them. By the time the man comes back outside, the horse has eaten a whole bag of oats, and has so much energy that he begins to race out of control.
发布于1908年。由Louis J. Gasnier执导,并于1908-01-03公映的电影。
放飞自我 2022-01-25
这片是第一次出现了平行剪辑,但我觉得重点其实是:好好笑啊!大概明白为啥默片年代真的是comedy gold时期了,只用visual就有无穷无尽的表达方式啊。Mark Cousins在电影史话里把这部名字说成The Horse that Bolted而且归到了Charles Pathe名下(虽则这片子确实是Pathe Freres出品的吧…)wonder what happened。
Panda的影音 2022-01-16
惊马 Le Cheval emballé (1907):https://***.bilibili****/video/BV1zb411z7TU
Lycidas 2018-10-09
@TeatroVerdi Live score by Stephen Horne 真的是,meaninglessly exaggerated
琧婯 2012-11-03
一匹马戏弄一群人 滋水枪冲跑讨公道的 还把马车夫也滋了 你说不是***是什么 早期电影为追求喜剧效果毫无道德感用夸张和猎奇来逗弄观众
Vini_Kazma 2012-01-24
三十 2011-11-17
勵帝或 2011-11-02
冰与火之歌 2011-09-22
鬼腳七 2011-01-13
paracelsus 2008-09-09
cross-cutting in the beginning, chase film, comic. continuity,无字卡。