专利的荒谬性:软件专利如何破坏专利体系 04-02
兔子洞里到底是什么 01-20
书呆子的胜利:意外帝国的崛起 04-02
寻找隐秘的维度 10-01
角斗士2 01-08
忠犬八公 10-12
女囚风暴1995 10-12
老师,别哭 10-24
This documentary is absolutely fascinating look at the future of humanity. Warning: the ideas, speculations and scientific research in this film just might **** your mind. Be sure to watch in full-screen. “Technocalyps is an intriguing three-part documentary on the notion of transhumanism by Belgian visual artist and filmmaker Frank Theys. The latest findings in genetics, robot...
发布于2006年。由Frank Theys执导,并于2006公映的电影。
Photosynthesis 2013-07-18
荒岛求生三百天 2010-12-12
当初讲座上看的英文版 没听懂。。。