角斗士2 01-08
忠犬八公 10-12
女囚风暴1995 10-12
老师,别哭 10-24
恋爱中的帅男孩原名:Boys in Love,
**** short films explore love, growth, and pain in intimate relationships between men. In "Death in Venice, CA," a stressed-out academic succumbs to the temptations of his landlady's 17-year old step-son. "Achilles" tells the story of Achilles and Patroclus during the siege of Troy. Pride costs Achilles the love of his life. In "** Polish Waiter," a chatty young man, Timith, pu...
发布于1996年。由Barry Purves、Patrick McGuinn执导,并于1996(美国)公映的电影。
已注销。 2021-07-16
勇敢的心 2020-10-12
700M。无字幕猜看。1 泥塑古代故事 2 进G吧后黑白歌舞片 3 ***之死后传,被健壮帅哥**。4 冲到海滩边的娃娃,见识了**男男生活。5 生日时收到一根假**,然后会攻击他。6 白人与土著相爱后土著被杀。
LoudCrazyHeart 2020-05-31
涵盖了 Boot Camp (1996), Death in Venice,CA (1994), Dirty Baby Does Fire Island (1998), karen black like me (1997), SPF 2000 (1998), Twilight of the Gods (1996) 6部短片。大部分都很有特点。
开山鼻祖的鼻* 2012-03-22