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Little Echo Lost (1999)

  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: Hugo Weaving / Alana De Roma
  • 上映时间: 1999-09-05
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Little Echo Lost

The EchoMan has never questioned his existence. Until one day he witnesses an ***** that brings into question everything he stands for and believes in. Combined live action with digital effects created on an SGI workstation using Discreet Logic's "Flame". Winner of the Gold Award in the Short Drama section at the ACS Awards, Australia 1999, the Best Use of Digital Technology Aw...

发布于1999年。由阿马甘·巴兰坦执导,并且由编剧Anthony Johnsen携幕后团队创作。集众多位Hugo Weaving、Alana De Roma等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1999-09-05公映的电影。

Evelyn桃桃 2013-06-05


小街兔兔 2013-05-05


2006-03-19加入 2012-12-19

看了开头,也没看懂 2017.11.4把标签写到评论区

tum 2010-02-16

这个场景和lovely bone有些像,是意识里的世界吗,没大看得懂,谁看了来说两句么。。。

释硌 2009-10-05

1999.9.5 比较简单的短片 hugo旁白