Lunatic at Large在线观看和下载

Lunatic at Large (2032)

  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 上映时间: 2032(美国)
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749局 01-24

《Lunatic at Large》剧情内容介绍

《Lunatic at Large》在线观看和下载


Lunatic at Large

Film noir thriller in keeping with other collaborations between Kubrick and his frequent collaborator, screenwriter Jim Thompson. “A dark and surprising mystery, in which the greatest puzzle is who, among several plausible candidates, is the true escapee from a nearby mental hospital.”


𝓙𝓸𝓴𝓮𝓻 𝓐𝓲𝓻𝓭.🌈 2023-04-23

@2023-04-23 15:24:10 @2024-03-08 15:06:48

S.T 2021-04-14

《在逃疯人》 库布里克和他经常**的编剧吉姆汤普森(《The Killing》《Paths of Glory》)之间另外**的一部黑色惊悚片。 “一个黑暗而令人惊讶的谜团,其中最大的疑问是,在几个合理的候选人中,谁才是附近***院的真正逃犯。” 库布里克的四个剧本: 《God Fearing Man》 https://movie.douban****/subject/25957270/ 《Napoleon》 https://movie.douban****/subject/26022158/ 《Honor》 https://movie.douban****/subject/26429443/ 《Lunatic at Large》 (本词条)