一任 11-25
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为了逝去的孩子 11-25
隐姓埋名的特拉 11-25
海边女人 11-25
铁马 11-25
历史上的一个标志 12-01
我怎么走在月球上 09-22
角斗士2 01-08
忠犬八公 10-12
女囚风暴1995 10-12
老师,别哭 10-24
The third of the short films on the Best v Best Vol 2 DVD that I watched made me think that perhaps I am doomed to be on the outside looking in with all the films. I say this because Wayfarers just cracked on into what it wanted to do without really giving me anything to **** me come along with it. With other films this was a minor issue but here it was a big one. A ten minute ...
发布于2005年。由Igor Strembitsky执导,并且由编剧Natalya Kononchuk携幕后团队创作。并于2005公映的电影。
第58届戛纳电影节:主竞赛单元 短片金棕榈奖。
五** 2024-03-07
好好学习 2022-02-07
u7ht 2022-01-07
照片,孩子,旧回忆与情书。我们留下很多存在,其实都是在更好的证明离开。人类究其一生,都是一位人生的旅者。 影片有些压抑,但构图和镜头的切换表达都很好。
蜗牛 2021-10-29
Shylock 2019-05-30
杨浦小囡 2018-03-08
熊仔俠 2010-09-20
老塔路線?倒覺得像錫蘭《繭》的手筆。鏡頭再次聚焦到mental house……