迈尔斯·戴维斯:酷派始祖原名:Miles Davis: Birth of the Cool,又名迈尔士戴维斯:酷派的诞生(台)、迈尔斯·戴维斯:酷的诞生、Miles Davis:傳奇的誕生(港)
A visionary, innovator, and originator who defied categorization and embodied the word cool: a foray into the life and career of musical and cultural icon Miles Davis.
子文东🤪👻 2023-12-10
萝马人切莱比 2022-04-30
比较着眼于身边的人和事,其实完全可以是一部音乐史。perfect way居然有幸登场,让我想起好像只有green没有模仿他说话2333
fakuo 2022-04-17
“Why Bible is Bible… and why Kind of Blue is Kind of Blue, it just is!” 很高兴很多被采访的音乐家还在。老麦的后期就像一个暴君,但也让人生怜
陈小鱼 2021-03-26
脱*核糖十三 2021-01-13
"Many men are afraid of being vulnerable." "Miles had a way of playing that sounded like a stone skipping across a pond. It just touched on the waves." "The note next to the one that you think is bad corrects the one in front of it. " 作为纪录片结构很工整了。
颜木林 2020-12-24
其中一句形容 Miles: romantic without being sentimental
Rhodesia 2020-05-18
高富帅老迈!以及个个都很正的前女友…大咖云集是一定的,Herbie Hancock还是很精神讲话也有水平。绞刑架电梯那张原来这么有标志性倒是之前不知道…以及看完这个觉得**酿酒都没那么刺耳了
敲木鱼小羊 2019-10-18
所有人都喜欢模仿Miles Davis说话哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈
惨绿 2019-09-12
"I don't regret, I don't forget, but I still love. "
such 2019-06-21