水母的面孔 02-12
友谊 05-26
未定义之物 06-22
河流 12-23
共振螺旋 03-05
宇宙湮灭 04-22
秋天的衣服 07-06
蛞蝓和蜗牛 07-14
角斗士2 01-08
忠犬八公 10-12
女囚风暴1995 10-12
老师,别哭 10-24
美妙的一天,晚安原名:On a eu la journée, bonsoir,又名We Had the Day, Bonsoir
An act of love, the portrait of a painter, an ode to life… We had the day bonsoir is all these things. “It’s in the sound of an ending that the music of the living is played, of which we are all, wherever we’re present, an invented note.” These are Narimane Mari’s words to describe the film made in tribute to her late partner, the painter Michel Hass. As the notes of Amor Amor ...
发布于2022年。由Narimane Mari执导,并且由编剧Narimane Mari、Michel Haas携幕后团队创作。集众多位Michel Haas等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2022-07-06(马赛电影节),2022-10-20(DOK Leipzig),2023-01-26(鹿特丹电影节)公映的电影。
滅质體下墜 2024-02-17
dama 2024-01-02