健身谋杀案 11-25
乡间名流 11-25
刘易斯探案:恐怖的对称 11-25
死亡花园 11-26
血之画 12-07
角斗士2 01-08
忠犬八公 10-12
女囚风暴1995 10-12
老师,别哭 10-24
摩斯探长:绝对嫌疑原名:Inspector Morse: Absolute Conviction,
Lawrence Cryer is a fraudster serving a sentence in a minimum security prison.The initial cause of death was thought to be a heart attack but the autopsy reveals he was struck down. Cryer was one of three businessmen who had defrauded millions from would be investors. His fellow fraudsters, Alex Bailey and Brian Thornton, are serving their sentences in the same prison. Cryer's ...
再也不潜水了 2024-11-09
这集里大牌/养眼的演员异常多,看到了不少人年轻时的样子,案子本身也很有故事性,摩斯难得遇上一个结局不算太惨的lady friend
Hhhhh 2021-12-15
**建筑师 2018-01-25
Columbo 2014-09-06