꽃을 든 남자 08-01
미아리텍사스 05-26
26×365=0 11-07
나신들 11-27
泥潭中救回我的女儿 04-22
정사수표 8 05-22
冬日挽歌 10-28
밤의천국 11-20
角斗士2 01-08
忠犬八公 10-12
女囚风暴1995 10-12
老师,别哭 10-24
女人是风,女人是风原名:여자는 바람 여자는 바람,又名Woman is Wind, Woman is Wind
SYNOPSIS Seong-*** helps Mun-** when she collapses and they become lovers. But she is the mistress of wealthy entrepreneur Choi Seok-pa. When Seok-pa's only daughter Nan-ie falls for Seong-***, he follows his ambitions and ends things with Mun-**. Mun-** begs him to leave with her but he refuses. Mun-** shoots Seong-*** and then herself at their engagement *****.
故乡的晨曦 2020-12-15
罗西基 2019-04-13