一个唱,一个不唱 08-04
奥迈耶的痴梦 09-22
曼谷之夜 09-13
外界噪音 02-28
美国故事:食物,家庭和哲学 11-25
爱的故事 04-22
第四维度 12-01
Night Passage 08-17
角斗士2 01-08
忠犬八公 10-12
女囚风暴1995 10-12
老师,别哭 10-24
拍摄内容原名:Shoot for the Contents,
Reflecting on Mao’s famous saying, “Let a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend,” Trinh T. Minh-ha’s film—whose title refers in part to a Chinese guessing ****—is a unique excursion into the maze of allegorical naming and storytelling in China. The film ponders questions of power and change, politics and culture, as refracted by ********* Square *****...
发布于1991年。由T. Minh-ha Trinh执导,
🍄 2022-12-02
. bae的节日摇摇欲坠被谁毁了?👸🐺🏠makes me wanna o
indulge 2021-12-15
film script in: Trinh Thi Minh-ha. (1999). Cinema interval. New York [etc.]: Routledge. The book is accessible at: https://nl1lib****/book/11440654/7772c3. Film (with paid subscription): https://dafilms****/film/13396-shoot-for-the-contents