4 предмета 12-01
角斗士2 01-08
忠犬八公 10-12
女囚风暴1995 10-12
老师,别哭 10-24
帕拉扬诺夫博物馆一夜原名:Ночь в музее Параджанова,又名A Night at Parajanov's Museum
Roman Balayan, in 1998, took a twenty-painting "Night at the Museum Paradzhanova. The film - a kind of tribute to the director to his teacher. Room deserted, in the sense that the people in it no, but the subjects live their own life exactly as long until cry out a rooster. And "cry out" one that collected Paradzhanov God knows of any available material. The feeling that night ...
发布于1998年。由Roman Balayan执导,并且由编剧Roman Balayan携幕后团队创作。并于1998公映的电影。
丁一 2010-01-29
空楼一夜听秋雨, 老鬼阴影无遗忘, 破窗而入琉璃碎, 灰鸟殷勤来探看, 谁人夜访博物馆, 秉烛吟游赏遗物; 不可**艺术品, 碎瓷破烂洋娃娃。 耙垃圾懦夫在否? “我在童年已死去”~~ ——垃圾是放错地方的艺术品