
奇怪的气体 (1914)

  • 别名:笑气 / Laffing Gas
  • 豆瓣评分:  5.6
  • 演员: 查理·卓别林 / 弗里茨·沙德 / Alice Howell / 斯利姆·萨默维尔
  • 上映时间: 1914-07-09
  • 更新时间: 04-20 02:06








奇怪的气体原名:Laughing Gas,又名笑气、Laffing Gas

Charlie pretends to be a dentist though he is only his assistant. When a patient can't stop laughing from the anesthesia Charlie knocks him out with a club. He is sent to the drug store, gets in a fight with a man who (after a brick in the face) becomes another patient, and pulls the skirt off the dentist's wife (who is out walking). At one point Charlie pulls a tooth (the wron...

发布于1914年。由查理·卓别林执导,集众多位查理·卓别林、弗里茨·沙德、Alice Howell、斯利姆·萨默维尔、Joseph Sutherland等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1914-07-09公映的电影。

Panda的影音 2022-01-18

笑气 Laughing Gas (1914):https://***.bilibili****/video/BV1Xs411s7Qo

真绪 2021-12-25


大卫艾伦森 2020-09-08

笑气这个设定在默片里发挥不出来,抛开这个这不拍的也很一般。 继续耳朵听出茧子系列

qiukai_ 2019-12-24


少年高 2016-04-17


Mr.Graceless 2016-02-17

这和Laffing Gas有什么关系,纯属是一段子中的部分而已,不过是卓别林换了个职业继续在**场所胡搅蛮缠。

Obtson 2012-12-21


吞火海峡 2012-12-01


stknight 2010-05-17

1914-07-09,奇怪的气体。Charlie pretends to be a dentist though he is only his assistant. When a patient can't stop laughing from the anesthesia Charlie knocks him out with a club. He is sent to the drug store, gets in a fight with a man who (after a brick in the face) becomes an