珍·古道尔:美女与野兽 09-20
角斗士2 01-08
忠犬八公 10-12
女囚风暴1995 10-12
老师,别哭 10-24
人类进化3:脱颖而出原名:Becoming Human: Last Human Standing,又名Becoming Human Part 3: Last Human Standing、PBS "NOVA" Becoming Human
In "Last Human Standing," the final program of the three-part series "Becoming Human," NOVA examines the fate of the Neanderthals, our European cousins who died out as modern humans spread from Africa into Europe during the Ice Age. Did modern humans interbreed with Neanderthals or exterminate them? The program explores crucial evidence from the recent decoding of the Neanderth...
发布于2009年。由Graham Townsley执导,并于2009-11-17(美国)公映的电影。
散淡的人 2024-06-24
Homo Sapiens的确是一个年轻的物种,氮素它们对这个星球的**(破坏)其他任何物种难忘项背....... Good luck哈。
mumacao 2020-07-22
昆廷马泰尔扑该 2017-10-26
为毛一个三集纪录片要分开立条目啊 合一起不好咩
合纥 2017-05-17
MacGuffin 2015-11-21
弗雷泽 2013-07-03
無逸 2013-04-29
圈圈马 2012-09-24
we, homo sapiens, moved from Africa to Europe, to Asia, to Australia, to American, to Moon , and in future, to Mars. What a horrible but astonishing species!
大傻曹 2012-09-24
分子钟好强大啊 // 总是气候变化。。
银时 2011-10-24
很多画面重复播放了N次。。那个猿人回眸一笑的一幕,好**。。 人类进化到我们这一代,进化的速度估计要加快了吧。。。ps 讲到人猿迁徙的时候,迁徙到中国的仅花了几秒来介绍,是因为虾米原因