女囚风暴1995 10-12
老师,别哭 10-24
僵尸100:在成为僵尸前要做的100件事 11-07
749局 01-24
人人都是柏林之子原名:Jeder ein Berliner Kindl,又名Everybody a Berliner Kindl
Jeder ein Berliner Kindl deals with advertising for Berliner Kindl, a local beer. It is a matter of the act of self-refutation, an act which is, however, far **** than an ironically positioned, merely aesthetic 'gesture' – it is evidently related to the manner in which one approaches politics, political speeches and political semiotics. […] The joke is that it is precisely the ...
Lycidas 2020-01-28
"Learning Farocki" 对commercial images极富趣味的拆解与探讨。
胤祥 2020-01-25
#49th IFFR# DeepFocus-Regained "Learning Farocki"特别**。对啤酒广告及广告营销机制的讨论。声音设计有意思。有一段对能指-所指的讨论(词语指代空间的含义如何拓展,及如何应对)异常精彩。