双重绅士 10-07
更多 11-08
西蒙娜·巴贝斯或美德 12-01
无虚假承诺 06-15
角斗士2 01-08
忠犬八公 10-12
女囚风暴1995 10-12
老师,别哭 10-24
三分之一的眼睛原名:1/3 des yeux,又名Un Tiers des Yeux
Communicating despite misunderstanding, caressing violence and sometimes being bitten, trying to control death and surviving in the face of irreparable loss, 1/3 of the eyes is a poetic documentary on the contradictory forces present in our society and in all beings human. The different chapters are articulated according to an innovative form which calls for the rigor of the ci...
发布于2005年。由Olivier Zabat执导,并于2005-11-09(法国)公映的电影。
小麦 2024-02-26
迷宫中的站起来 2023-12-28
吧啦吧啦 2018-03-10