美国土匪:弗兰克与杰西詹姆斯 02-10
天脊 05-17
伊犁河谷 12-24
美女“如云” 01-15
掘火者 10-05
"Saturday Night Live" Colin Farrell/Scissor Sisters原名:"Saturday Night Live" Colin Farrell/Scissor Sisters,
11 December 2004 (Season 30, Episode 7)
发布于2004年。集众多位Colin Farrell等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2004-12-11公映的电视剧。
🍄 2022-04-02
voicing ** useless opinions, wrestling w the darkness. on for the rest of ** life. i look like a dork being here waiting everyday so early even with nothing coming out, u know how many days ive been here just pure wishing some1 could just live for 1 sec, that will do, im not asking much, rly, i wish u cruel ppl could find another way to spend ** appreciate all these **** than i will, u will never know.
aStranger 2016-12-31
采访擦玻璃那里最有意思 科林叔真是适合喜剧啊
伊比利亚🌋 2013-05-06
Y 2013-02-22
喜欢这集!觉得好好笑 amy搜身太棒!bono也很好笑 广告小店超萌 最后那段太黄了天哪那些话是怎么想出来的= =
蚂蚁没问题 2012-12-03
S30E07,Colin Farrell。这个时候Amy开始当主播了啊,还是那么神采奕奕,这一期的**不浅啊,又是Colin Farrell又是Seth。
芹泽虾饺菌 2012-03-29
Hey Johnny 2012-01-16
**有神的眉毛啊。sketch大都耍帅。lindsay也来了。(Scissor Sisters 主唱必***无疑,还能再**一点儿吗!
ʜarмonica 2011-07-07
sic 2011-05-02