角斗士2 01-08
忠犬八公 10-12
女囚风暴1995 10-12
老师,别哭 10-24
The Short Films of Roman Polanski - (1957) Morderstwo (A Murderer) The camera shows us a door handle and the door's striker plate; from this angle, they form a cross. The door opens and in steps someone in a dark trench coat. He approaches a bed in the room, where a shirtless man sleeps. The intruder takes out a knife. His movements are without haste, but deliberate and efficie...
**先生 2012-01-12
罗曼其实是个启蒙思想家 是伏尔泰的**呢 绝对的
mOco 2011-12-25
Memento Mori 2011-09-29
这个东西如果是学生作业老师肯定会说太粗糙了 太木有内容了 太简单了哼。
蔚七于 2011-09-12
喷子 2011-06-04
stknight 2010-06-12
1957年,命题导演习作,片长仅不到2分钟,这也太短了吧。The camera shows us a door handle and the door's striker plate; from this angle, they form a cross. The door opens and in steps someone in a dark trench coat. He approaches a bed in the room, where a shirtless man sleeps. The i