“There are worlds out there where the sky is burning, the sea's asleep, and the rivers dream. People made of smoke, and cities made of song. Somewhere there's danger, somewhere there’s injustice, and somewhere else the tea's getting cold. Come on, Ace – we've got work to do!” 之后观众们迎来了对新剧集长达十五年的等待
苍空之灵翼 2024-12-13
“There are worlds out there where the sky is burning, the sea's asleep, and the rivers dream. People made of smoke, and cities made of song. Somewhere there's danger, somewhere there’s injustice, and somewhere else the tea's getting cold. Come on, Ace – we've got work to do!” 之后观众们迎来了对新剧集长达十五年的等待
t 2023-12-03
7爷最后的演讲情绪挺到位 但我不是很喜欢这种奇幻剧情
薄荷灰 2022-11-02
(有条目了补标一下)e1好难看,DW版梅林传奇,科幻片成了奇幻片,人物行为毫无逻辑。结尾竟然让Doctor说出“I'll cook supper.”......e2也不好看,气氛太诡异,线索太乱。结尾Doctor说出Ace的口头禅:"Wicked." e3二战背景下的表现像僵尸片的吸血鬼故事,混杂了太多元素,乱乱乱。e4比较喜欢。这一集奇幻和冒险元素盖过了科幻元素,氛围重于情节,除e1之外其他三集都和Ace的经历有关。2020-07-25
r dawg 2021-07-15
Brigadier喊看飞碟来了 还有七叔从比剑的两个人中间脱帽走过….
Evilly ☣ 2021-06-28
个人其实不太喜欢这季 | 重看发现这季太棒了,吊打新版前三季。