Three Landscapes在线观看和下载

Three Landscapes (2013)

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《Three Landscapes》相关推荐

维奥拉 玛丽亚·维拉、奥古斯丁·穆尼奥斯
边缘 Tom Griffin、Howard Loeb Babeuf
漂流 06-04
白癫 10-04

《Three Landscapes》剧情内容介绍

《Three Landscapes》在线观看和下载


Three Landscapes

Shot on 16mm, this wondrous silent film study from avant-garde ****** Peter Hutton (At Sea) observes human movement across three distinct landscapes: Detroit, along the Hudson River Valley and in the Dallol Depression in Ethiopia.


· ~~~~~~~~~ 2013-10-07

lincoln center film society, NYFF