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外出野营原名:Camping Out,
The gang is sitting around their campsite when a mosquito spoils their fun. And then he gets hundreds of his friends and they really cause trouble. Horace squirts some with molasses, which helps a bit. Everyone retreats to the tent, where they still get stung but can fight back a bit, eventually trapping all the mosquitoes in a pair of bloomers and sending them on their way. Wr...
路人彦小二 2023-11-11
【补全***计划】 这一部好好看好搞笑 作为早期**的好朋友,贺瑞斯马都没有出现过在上迪,不过马和河**形象在乐园里的人偶公仔的确不讨喜,可是早期动画片很可爱很有趣 贺瑞斯马真的又菜又爱惹事 **打蚊子把克拉贝尓辛苦做的蛋糕打毁后,被砸蛋糕好搞笑 第一只蚊子有点像奥斯华,蚊子长老的胸毛有点toni 蚊子把豆子拉下来后,竟然没用它反击。不过把自己的嘴夹直真的很搞笑 最后用的裤子是克拉贝儿的裤衩吗?
Panda的影音 2023-11-10
Camping Out (1934):https://***.bilibili****/video/BV1kx411Q7zT?p=107 —— 给此条目上传了海报和剧照。
气球幽灵 2022-06-18
velvet 2022-04-27