众人之妻 02-18
不朽故事 08-06
水晶的结构 07-01
旋转木马 01-12
角斗士2 01-08
忠犬八公 10-12
女囚风暴1995 10-12
老师,别哭 10-24
温柔的敌人原名:La Tendre ennemie,又名The Tender Enemy
Two ghosts attend an engagement *****, unseen by the other guests. One *****, Dupont, is the father of the bride-to-be. He looks back on his marriage to her mother. His wife Annette was always very unhappy; business kept him away from home. The doctor recommended indulging her whims for furs and jewels. Then Uncle Émile suggested a trip to Paris. All went well until the day the...
发布于1936年。由马克斯·奥菲尔斯执导,并且由编剧马克斯·奥菲尔斯、Curt Alexander携幕后团队创作。集众多位Simone Berriau、Catherine Fonteney、Laure Diana等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1936公映的电影。
第4届威尼斯电影节:墨索里尼杯 最佳国际电影(提名)。
闵思嘉 2015-09-22
stknight 2011-10-15
奥菲尔斯第一次用奇幻的手法讲故事。This is one of the rare movies in Ophuls' work were the woman is not sacrificed。The victims here are rather the two men,or rather their ghosts,who come back on Line's wedding day。They are her father and her mother's lover,a lion tamer。
大佑 2011-06-11
4.0 愛與靈魂,每次見兩個鬼魂以透明人方式出現就覺得好浪漫..哈哈...這是為什么...