大野一雄:我舞踏進光里 11-26
角斗士2 01-08
忠犬八公 10-12
女囚风暴1995 10-12
老师,别哭 10-24
舞蹈家的世界原名:A Dancer's World,
Dancer, Choreographer, and Teacher Martha Graham offers insight into her theories about dance while the members of her world famous troupe display a number of their dance techniques in performance.
发布于1957年。由Peter Glushanok执导,并且由编剧玛莎·葛莱姆、LeRoy Leatherman携幕后团队创作。集众多位玛莎·葛莱姆、Robert Cohan、Mary Hinkson、Helen McGehee、Bertram Ross、Ethel Winter、Yuriko等著名实力派明星加盟。
Irène 2024-12-06
Dance with clarity the deep matters of the hearts. A dancer’s world is the heart of men with its joys, hopes, fear and loves. Privilege of Instant.
大黑天 2024-06-01
现代舞宗师之Martha Graham 对谈 记录影像
斑马Te丫吖 2021-02-23
一直在思考舞蹈者how to be free
SARANGI 2020-06-19
源 2020-02-23
#CC#“人的嘴巴可以说谎,但身体没法说谎”,或是,“舞者要练出一双农民的脚,有力地踏向地面。”Martha Graham的工作室里摆放着迦梨与湿婆神的造像,她坐在梳妆台前。“你的目标是自由,而自由只能通过自律来实现。舞者不是一种异态,而是能用人体来做到的神圣仪式。然后Dance with clarity the deep matters of the heart.”,这门技艺需要用近十年时间才能掌握。 “舞者们的世界”,她最后说,“是充溢在人们内心深处的爱恨情仇,是日复一日地构建的一种瞬间之美,St.John Perse有句诗表达得很清晰:You have so little time to be born to the instant.” 然后她推开门,走去了《夜之旅》的舞蹈剧场。
鲜藕大王 2020-02-12
av2437860 英文字幕 因为BTS新曲MV的最开始出现了Martha Graham 好奇 进而想了解一下 长知识 练功房里的舞者们 姿态巨美
mecca 2019-01-13
Discipline / craft / improvise / the gold instant creation dependent on years of work / backstage magic / 60岁的Martha Graham 也太迷人了吧!
Jupiterian 2018-04-18
照螢 2017-11-25
两寸 2017-11-06
"The dancer is realistic. His craft teaches him to be. The foot is pointed or it is not.This requires discipline. Discipline imposed by you and upon you. Your goal is *******."