角斗士2 01-08
忠犬八公 10-12
女囚风暴1995 10-12
老师,别哭 10-24
星球女士原名:Our Lady of the Sphere,
Moving spheres, such as balloons and bubbles, are superimposed on static backgrounds to suggest travel and discovery. There are perils: a boy falls, a lion roars. The lyric flights of hot-air balloons, flying machines, and dirigibles, and their accompanying music of the spheres, are sometimes interrupted by a jangling buzz. Circus images take over. Then, mechanical rhythms abou...
大黑天 2024-09-20
295.Eloise 2021-08-23
红绿蓝三原色宇宙。 星球女士穿梭于古典绘画与宇宙动画之中,古老卷书页的推拉,镜头的推移与转换。镜外之手是魔法师的手势。 机器运动的连贯性,彩色圆形气泡的**,人物顺序用爆炸点表示。 其中有小人那一段,像“星球体育”。
xīn 2018-06-22
BAMPFA的“Way Bay 2”展览的短片
Vini_Kazma 2012-04-18
Cut Out Animation + 曝光——参数:Sound Mix: Stereo | Color: Color
跑跑**跳跳 2011-05-25
时间 2009-06-11
***. 2009-05-24
i dunno the background, so i cant tell wots this ****!!