我们的音乐 08-11
主客关系 04-13
证明完毕 12-01
Vent d'ouest 07-01
角斗士2 01-08
忠犬八公 10-12
女囚风暴1995 10-12
老师,别哭 10-24
业余回顾原名:(模型展览) Reportage amateur (maquette expo),
(Paris) On April 24 [2006] the Georges Pompidou Center here began a retrospective devoted to a man synonymous with cinema itself: Jean-Luc Godard. Now 75, this legendary filmmaker has been reinventing motion pictures for over half a century. From his 1955 documentary Operátion Béton to the world premiere of Vrai Faux Passeport, a video essay commissioned by the museum, the ****...
S04Kumpel 2024-12-03
Reportage ******* (maquette expo) @2020-07-26 21:58:52
林晔 2024-11-23
8# 米埃维尔的部分是倚重风格论的视听语法创作 颇为有趣 /Dore
杨浦小囡 2021-05-16
Evilly ☣ 2019-04-10
Kill tcyxzmy 2018-10-15