
异型人 (2004)

  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 上映时间: 2004
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异型人原名:human mutants,

[***异型人].Human.Mutants.-.Part.1.The.Mystery.of.Growth.  [***异型人].Human.Mutants.-.Part.2.The.Dangerous.Womb.  [***异型人].Human.Mutants.-.Part.3.The.Meaning.of.Beauty.  Evolutionary biologist Armand Leroi examines the processes that affect skin colour and what happens when they go wrong. Piebalds, with their patches of black and white skin, and albinos from all races demonstrate the e...

发布于2004年。由Philip Smith、Jesus Aceves执导,并于2004公映的电影。

Henrietta 2011-08-28

We are all mutants, but some of us are **** mutant than others.

Xavia 2010-01-17

一流的配乐和用色。主持Armand Leroi的学者气质。幽异的画面。深刻的气韵。