屠杀派对 10-07
钟之屋 12-01
对放射记者的报复 12-02
吸血姊妹 06-30
角斗士2 01-08
忠犬八公 10-12
女囚风暴1995 10-12
老师,别哭 10-24
Satan has created a brand new race of zombies. This new breed of undead have **** human like characteristics that allow them to blend in **** easily. Released from their fiery pit below, these zombies begin their task of taking over the world. Meanwhile, two dirty cops (Jeff and Cage) discover the plan and find themselves stuck with the task of attempting to stop this ever grow...
发布于2003年。由Chris Watson执导,并且由编剧Chris Watson携幕后团队创作。并于2003公映的电影。
jw 2020-07-30
不知是不是丧尸片爱好者拍的致敬作品,*** Savini,Robert Z’Dar还有Fred Olen Ray居然也有出演。 这片子居然是特***?
Gore赞 2020-06-13
迷影 2018-03-08
特**丧尸片 标题党 底成本,丧尸就随便画了一下装,人和打斗 ,能在假一点吗。
你还有没有梦想 2012-02-23
丧尸片丧尸基本是厚粉底妆扮 最大的亮点就是 **那男的在里面溜的不是狗是**,那俩警察看着真烦。