无涯之海 12-01
Migration 12-01
Sweet Light 04-27
天使之门 04-27
Anthem 12-13
The Crossing, Video 2 02-04
centers 06-04
角斗士2 01-08
忠犬八公 10-12
女囚风暴1995 10-12
老师,别哭 10-24
Ancient of Days
During Viola's time in Japan he created Ancient of Days (1979-81). This film begins with the sound of cars and an image of fire. You view the fire and when it is extinguished a man nails something to the ***** which was in the fire. This section seems to be displayed backwards from the original firing. After the nailing a cup, clock and teapot appear. The shot then switches to ...
× × 2019-01-29
空间、时间、倒置、引入、编辑。平静的片段被叠层,线索像触角一样被连接至彼处。最后的钟表和环境声,让人脑海里的问题像出现的车景一样翻转倒置:Ancient 和 Days,在对时间和空间的剪辑中,都是关于观念的。
AstRa 2018-05-01
Bill Viola的影片中,不同空间和同一个画面的不同部分的变化,是不被察觉但又有一点点魔幻的。