Sweet Light 04-27
天使之门 04-27
Ancient of Days 02-04
centers 06-04
若6为9 06-29
Ascension 03-29
角斗士2 01-08
忠犬八公 10-12
女囚风暴1995 10-12
老师,别哭 10-24
"The idea for Migration came to Viola while he was walking down a street one rainy day in New York. His glasses were covered with raindrops and he saw that each **** was a lens. Everything around him was covered with little hemispherical lenses that contained optical microcosms of the environment. He was surrounded by worlds within worlds . He couldn't see the images in the bea...
木易 2023-08-25
**版资源 水滴敲打出禅意 就是那不断滴水的状态能让强迫症很难受
× × 2019-01-29
乔治洗衣机 2018-05-26
+*Chanoyu (1983) by Sanja Ivékovic & Dalibor Martinis 11min3sec // +*Exercise (2007) by Lucia Nimcova 16min9sec @Stedelijk M Amsterdam
AstRa 2018-05-01
羊的排 2014-05-10
禅意 但是最后的水滴让我感到撕裂的疼= =!